Thursday, October 30, 2014

Graphite.Org - A TERRIFIC Way to Find Technology Resources for your Classroom! :

Hello Highlands,

I hope everyone survived their classroom Halloween celebrations and is getting ready for the weekend. :)     I wanted to write about a great resource that was brought to my attention by Shawn Bennis.   The website is

The website offers an endless supply of interactive resources, information, and lesson plans that aims on getting teachers to incorporate technology in your classroom everyday.   There is so many resources and information that offers that I could write 20 blogs about it.    I have decided to focus on one portion of the site that I feel can be extremely helpful to you, and most importantly, your students.

The part of that I want to share with you deals with the Common Core Explorer, which aligns the Common Core curriculum to apps, websites, and lesson plans that utilize technology.  If you have any free time, hahahaha, please try to explore the other great features and resources this website offers.

First, however, sign up for the site if you would like.   Don't worry, it's free.  YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SIGN UP THE SITE to access the Common Core Explorer which I will be explaining more about in detail below.

1.) Access
2.) Click on "Sign Up" (blue circle)

If you don't want to sign up, remember you can still access the Common Core Explorer.  Here's how.

1.) Access the website
2.) Click on the Common or Explorer Tab

3.) Select a subject area you would like to find EDTech for.  (math or language arts)

4.) Once you select a  subject area, you select a grade level.

5.) Select a objective strand you would like to find tech resources for.

 6.) Click  on a green arrow that is beside the standard you are focusing on to access tech resources.

Notice how you can find the type of resource (app, website), the grade level, price (free or paid), and teacher rating/learning rating.  

This website is a quick, easy, and great way to find websites, lesson plans, and apps to supplement your classroom instruction and student learning.    Hopefully you chose to use this website to help add technology to your classroom on a regular basis to increase student motivation, excitement, and achievement.  Explore and Enjoy!!

As always, please let me know if I can help you and your classroom in anyway.


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