Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Welcome to the Highlands School District Technology Blog!

Hello and welcome to my Blog!  

Through this blog I plan on posting weekly entries dealing with resources and activities that are available through or with the use of technology.     As a former 3rd grade classroom teacher and current computer teacher,  I understand how much work and time teachers put in not only at school but also at home, which can be very tiring.  It sometimes seems as if the work is never done; anything from planning lessons (searching, reading, and writing for hours), preparing for lessons(cutting, copying,  creating),  assessing/reflecting  (grading papers, completing state/school district paper work), communicating with parents (phone calls, newsletters, conferencing) , to attending school functions (open house, faculty meetings, committee meetings); all these things take time.  The ultimate goal of this blog, therefore,  is to help you spend less time obtaining resources and ideas for your classroom and more time doing what you love to do, teach!   Please, never hesitate asking me a question, asking for ideas, or anything that will help you in the classroom.   Everyone at Highlands has been so nice in welcoming me into this family and community and I look forward to being apart of the district for years to come. 

In Education,

 Andrew Lynch

P.S.   Here is a picture of my two little girls :)

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