Monday, September 23, 2013

Math - Comparing and Ordering Numbers - Online Resources and Promethean Activities

I found or had these online resources and promethean activities.  Hopefully you can use a few or them to incorporate into your own math lessons or centers to help students compare and order numbers.  Enjoy!

Online Resources - Can use with projector or own computers in room.  Lessons on greater than, equal to, less than and neat K-2 printable materials for lesson. - Compare and Order numbers games - Kindergarten to Third Grade - Awesome Resources - Includes online games and printable documents -  Grade Levels (K-4) are listed beside each document or game - I am pretty sure EY stands for Kindergarten. - Kindergarten to Third Grade - Select what numbers you would like students to put in order by using the Min and Max slide bars.   Fun Game! - Second and Third Grade - A little confusing but the objective is for the students to create a bigger number than the one that is presented.    Might be a good center to challenge higher students in Second Grade. - Kindergarten to Fifth Grade - Students put numbers in order from greatest to least or least to greatest for Kindergarten to Third.   Include decimals and fractions for Fourth and Fifth. - Fifth Grade - Students could use place value mats or white boards to help list numbers in order.   Make numbers as small or as large as you like.    Children must figure out if the numbers goes to the right of the numbers given, to the left, or in between.    Game is timed.    Students could see how many right they could get without missing a question in 5 -10 minutes. - Fourth and Fifth Grade -  Same as above with decimals. - The best game for last - Third through Fifth Grade - I used this game as an incentive in my class.   It could be a little "violent" for some but the children loved it!  Each round that the children box the problems get progressively harder.   I played this as a whole class (each child had a white board and was made to work the problem out, I would call on a random student to show me their board and that is the answer that I would click on) and I also used the game as one of my incentive math centers some weeks on the class computers.     It isn't timed so I made the children work out problems on a white board or paper before making an answer choice.     If I saw a student wasn't showing their work, I deemed that child got a "TKO" and was not allowed to participate until the next fight (when the class lost or won when it was played as a whole group or  when the other students in their center lost or won). 

Promethean Activities - Kindergarten - Kindergarten and First Grade - Kindergarten and First Grade  - First Grade and Second Grade, Third Grade Review  - High Level 1st grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade - Third Grade and Fourth Grade Review - High Level Third Grade and Fourth Grade, Review Fifth Grade - Fourth Grade and Fifth Grade Review

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Getting Started with Your Promethean Board and Promethean Planet

Some of you have Promethean boards in our rooms and some do not.   It is my hope that in the future, all teachers will have interactive whiteboards in their classroom.   Their is so much that teachers can do with this technology it is astounding.   Plus, children love watching and using it.      If you have a Promethean board in your classroom, the biggest hurdle is getting started with using this technology.   

Below you will find a link that provides many short videos (2-4 minutes) that will help you get started with your Promethean board and how to use it.

Another big suggestion I have for teachers that utilize the promethean board is to register for Promethean Planet!  This website offers numerous resources and already constructed Promethean board activities for any grade or subject.   Many of the Promethean board activities I used in my classroom were either exact copies of flipcharts I got from Promethean Planet or slightly modified flipcharts that I got from there. 

Below is a link to the site and directions on how to register

1.) Click on the register link in the top right corner of the webpage.
2.) Complete the registration steps.
3.) Your done!

As always, when I am in your building I am more than happy to help you with your Promethean board.   I can show you how to use basic/advanced tools when creating or using an interactive promethean flipchart or simply help you register for Promethean Planet and show you how to browse for resources.    Just shoot me an email so we can set up a time. :)

Word Walls - "Old School" Mixed with a Few "New School" Ideas

I have observed many of your classrooms during the past few weeks and have noticed that many of you utilize word walls.  Whatever grade level you teach, the use of a word wall in a classroom can be a highly effective teaching strategy that can not only improve literacy skills but also encourage active student participation. Gestures, such as pointing to key words during a lesson, offers visual reinforcement which can be very helpful for students. These word wall activities can engage students while they learn key vocabulary and sight words, whether it be learning to explain a word, comparing it to other key concepts, or learning how to spell it.
Five years ago, I decided that I was going to make the word wall a constant daily tool to utilize in my classroom instruction and for the children to use in their learning; the problem was that I was unsure of exactly how to do this.    During my search for answers, I came across two PDF documents and a  Promethean board activity.    The one PDF document provides an explanation of what a word wall is and many activities on how to use a word wall in daily instruction for the primary grades.   The second PDF does the same for the intermediate grades.  The promethean activity is designed to encourage friendly competition amongst students when using the word wall.   It can also be used for numerous other things, such as center work.  
Below are links to all of the resources I have described above.   Happy Word Walling! :)

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Welcome to the Highlands School District Technology Blog!

Hello and welcome to my Blog!  

Through this blog I plan on posting weekly entries dealing with resources and activities that are available through or with the use of technology.     As a former 3rd grade classroom teacher and current computer teacher,  I understand how much work and time teachers put in not only at school but also at home, which can be very tiring.  It sometimes seems as if the work is never done; anything from planning lessons (searching, reading, and writing for hours), preparing for lessons(cutting, copying,  creating),  assessing/reflecting  (grading papers, completing state/school district paper work), communicating with parents (phone calls, newsletters, conferencing) , to attending school functions (open house, faculty meetings, committee meetings); all these things take time.  The ultimate goal of this blog, therefore,  is to help you spend less time obtaining resources and ideas for your classroom and more time doing what you love to do, teach!   Please, never hesitate asking me a question, asking for ideas, or anything that will help you in the classroom.   Everyone at Highlands has been so nice in welcoming me into this family and community and I look forward to being apart of the district for years to come. 

In Education,

 Andrew Lynch

P.S.   Here is a picture of my two little girls :)