Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Science Website, Activities, and Resources

I was reviewing everyone's Science curriculum and the ASSET schedule for this 9 weeks.   I have attached a bunch of online activities that I think that would be helpful to use in your classroom.    The activities could be used on a projector as a class lesson or done on 3-4 individual computers for a science rotation (if the computers are working :).    Let me know if you would like to use any of these activities with your students during computer class.   As always, let me know if I can help you integrate technology in the classroom in anyway. 

Solids, Liquids, Gases also relating to Changes - 1st Grade and 2nd Grade  - Great activity that shows that different solids melt at different temperatures.  Cool quiz at the end too. - Categorize different states of matter into solids, liquids, and gases. - Shows that different solids can hold different properties even though they are all considered the same state of matter - Great site that shows student a video about the states of matter, includes a fun song about states of matter, and has a quiz assessing student knowledge.  Great resource! - Reversible and Irreversible changes -   Learn about reversible & irreversible changes by testing what happens to different substances as you experiment with them in this fun, interactive activity for kids. Find out what substances dissolve in water and lots of other interesting chemistry related facts. - Some educational videos on states of matter and their changes.   Scroll down the page to view videos.

 Sound - 3rd Grade - Use the sound ruler to discover which sounds are too loud and can damage your hearing  Whale Sounds - Try to identify which whale makes which sound, then match the oscilloscope pattern to the sounds.  Great sound activities that can be done online and at home! - Musical Coathanger - Discover how sound travels through solids and liquids with these two experiments. - What’s in a Wave? -  Learn how sound helps submarines see underwater and helps doctors study the heart. Then try controlling a submarine using sonar to see.  - Changing Sounds - Experiment with the different instruments, pitch, and volume. - Dangerous Decibels
Have fun exploring sound!  Find out what sound is and what happens when ears are exposed to loud decibels for too long. - Tons!!! of sound activities and wonderful information on sound. 

 Magnetism and Electricity - 4th Grade  -
Discover which materials are magnetic and which are not with this fun, online experiment. -  A jeopardy-type online game.   Great for instruction or review. -  An interactive demonstration.  Questions to help guide instruction. -  Magnet Behavior – Let students see what types of objects are affected by magnets.   Has questions to spark discussion.

 Motion and Design - 5th Grade -   Students love skateboards! Now they can design their own and see how well it works. The name of this learning tool is called Skate Park and comes to us from the great web site Phet. You need Java and then just click RUN NOW in the lower right to get started. Learn about conservation of energy with a skater dude! Build tracks, ramps and jumps for the skater and view the kinetic energy, potential energy and friction as he moves. You can also take the skater to different planets or even space! - Funderstanding Roller Coaster is the name of this learning tool. This simulator is designed for kids who want to design their own thrilling coaster and educators who want to use a cool activity to simulate the application of physics by using an exciting interactive tool. This site comes to us from Funderstanding. - The name of this elegant and effective "learning tool" is called Projectile Motion. Blast a Buick out of a cannon! Learn about projectile motion by firing various objects. Set the angle, initial speed, and mass. Add air resistance.

Make a game out of this simulation by trying to hit a target. This tool is brought to us by The PhET Project and made possible by the Kavli Operating Institute. - The name of this "learning tool" is called Forces in Action. Use the blue arrows in the upper right hand corner to go through the simulation. This tool has been developed by the and their Science Clips program. These are very clear, concise, and effective lessons for young students. Flash is required. - The name of this "learning tool" is called Forces and Movement.  Use the blue arrows in the upper right hand corner to go through the simulation. Students can see the effect of varying weight and the gradient of a ramp. This tool has been developed by the and their Science Clips program. These are very clear, concise, and effective lessons for young students. Flash is required. - The unique & clever "learning tool" is called Galileo Drops the Ball. Around 1590 Galileo Galilei climbed up the Leaning Tower of Pisa and dropped some balls to the ground. Two balls of different masses, but of similar shape & density that were released together hit the ground at the same time.  Find out for yourself what a happens. This interactive was developed by the Schlumberger Excellence in Educational Development group. Be sure to visit their other interactives at their Science Lab.  - Students learn to shoot a bow and arrow by varying the forces and paying close attention to wind speed. It is challenging and well designed. The name of this "learning tool" is called Archery Game. This interactive was developed by the Schlumberger Excellence in Educational Development group. Be sure to visit their other interactive at their Science Lab. - The name of this clever "learning tool" is called Speed, Eggs and Slam. In this interactive lesson students find a way, through trial and error, to stop an egg from breaking in the back of a pick up truck. The truck is on an inclined plane ready to foil the student efforts. This is brought to us by the tremendous site called TryScience.

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