Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Standardized Testing Resources :)

            As the second semester rolls around, PSSA’s begin to creep closer and closer.   Many of you have been preparing students with the skills and strategies that they will need to be successful on these state assessments.   Here are some online and technological resources that you may be able to use with your students to strengthen testing skills and strategies.   Take a look over them during Christmas Break and think about incorporating some of these resources and activities into weekly lessons, centers, small group instruction etc. J  Remember,  many times for those “bubble” students the difference between a proficient and basic score is not how much content they know going into a standardized test but if they know how to take the test through the repetition and mastery of proper testing strategies.

K–5 - Testing Resources - - Please, Please, Please use this resource.   Provided from, there are practice tests, test questions, timed tests, and more! 

3 -5 - Testing Resources - - Great resources with sample testing items for 3, 4, 5 grade reading and math.   Also 5th grade writing.

3-5 Testing Resources - -  Believe it or not the PA Dept. of Ed. provides great resources to prepare students to take the PSSA.   Find sample tests and even a “Getting Ready for the 2014 State Assessments”  PowerPoint and webinar (online video).  

1-6 – Math Testing Resources - Great testing practice and testing strategy practice for Math.

K-5 - Elementary Language Arts Resources - - This one is a goldmine. provides hundreds of English Language Arts activities.  Choose from printables, computer resources, and online resources.    Provides resources organized by grade level toward the bottom.

K-5 - Elementary Mathematics Resources - -  Same as above but with math.

3-5 Testing Strategies PowerPoint -!!.ppt – Great PowerPoint Presentation on strategies children need to use to be successful while testing. 

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Classrrom Timers, Behavior Managment, and Lunch Count/Attendance Resources

I hope everyone enjoys their Thanksgiving Break.  

Before break  I was thinking about what to blog because I know you all look forward to it soooo much (especially Bill Heasley at Grandview.  He’s a true blogger).  We all know that daily routines and transitions are a big part of a teacher’s effectiveness in establishing a safe and productive classroom environment.  Here are some websites and promethean activities to use in your classroom.

Online Activities

Classroom Timers - This site has tones of great timers.  It is easy to use and displays well on the board. - Simple timer to display with your projector. - Another online timer.  The noise it makes when the time runs out is hilarious.

Promethean Activities

Lunch Count and Attendance - This flipchart is a simplified way to handle morning lunch count without ever having to say a word. Simply reset the page after the count is complete.

Behavior Management - The maximum amount of students is 32. I made the color scheme as neutral as possible. Feel free to edit it and modify to suit your own tastes. - Change the color next to the number of the student. - Set classroom and group goals for your students. Each time they follow directions or exhibit a desired behaviour they earn points on their reward chart. When the specified goal is met students erase to find a fantastic prize!


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Reading Comprehension Blog

Here is a bunch of reading comprehension online activities and promethean flipcharts that you can use in your classroom for whole group lessons, small groups, center work, or for independent remediation or challenge work.  Skills addressed are character analysis, story elements, cause and effect, problem and solution (goes with story elements), main idea, sequencing, inferencing, using context clues, predicting, summarizing, etc.    Enjoy!   As always, let me know if there is anything I can do to help you integrate technology into your daily lessons.  J

Online Activities

 Grades Suggested 1-5Numerous Skills - - Mr. Nussbaum is the man.   Check out his website for TONS of other academic activities, not just these reading ones.   These passages are broken up by grade level and by skill.   Put them on a projector or on the Promethean board and complete them together, as a center, or have the children complete them independently.

 Grades Suggested 1- 4 - Author’s Purpose – Anything you could want concerning Author’s Purpose!  Videos, passages, games, and more!

 Grades Suggested 1 – 3 – Cause and Effect- - Simple activity of matching to illustrate cause and effect

 Grades Suggested K – 5 - - Character Analysis – Use this fun activity to analyze any character from any book! J

 Grades K-3Fact and Opinion - - Great interactive activity to help students realize the difference between a fact and an opinion.

 Grades 2-5 – Inferencing -  Students of all ages have a hard time referencing their background knowledge and combining that with detail from the story in order to make a good guess of what a character is thinking or what is happening in a story.   This fun game can help students in a fun way.

 Grades 2-5 – Main Idea - -   Fun activity to find the main idea of a short passage.

 Grades 2-4 – Main Idea - - Display passages on the overhead and have students write down clues on paper or a mini whiteboard to find the main idea of the passages.

 Grades 1-4 – Plot, Theme, and Setting – -  Simple Activity to help students understand what the plot, theme, and setting are of a story.

 Grades 2-4 – Predictions – - Simple Activity to help students understand a great strategy to predict what will happen in a story.   Picture Walks! J

 Grades 2-4 – Predictions – - Short Passages to help students learn strategies to make educated predictions of what might happen next in a story.

 K-2 – Sequencing - Simple Story Sequencing Activity for the younger grades from PBS Kids and Arthur.

 K-2 – Sequencing and “How To” Activities - Print out Tons of “How To” activities for students to work on their sequencing skills.

 K-3 – Short Story Videos -  Tons and tons of short video stories divided into Genre for easy access.  From our friends at Between the Lions.

 2-4 – Story Elements - - Great activity that provides passages concerning characters, setting, and plot. 

 Promethean ActivitiesRemember even though many of you do not have a Promethean Boar, many of you do have the promethean software on your computers which will allow you to view these lessons and interact with them using your mouse.    You will just not be able to have students interact with the lesson by having them go to the white board.

 Using Pictures to Understand a Story

 K-1 – Picture Clues - - Having students use picture clues to understand a story is a great strategy to use at a young age.


 1-5 – Character Analysis - - Based on the game “Guess Who” students can analyize characters from many of their favorite books and stories.

 1-5 – Character Analysis - - This flipchart discusses ways that authors reveal character traits. Students learn to find examples in the literature to demonstrate those character traits. A sample assessment, graphic organizer and web links are included.

Cause and Effect 

 K-3 – Cause and Effect -  Favorite Promethean activity on cause and effect.

 Problem and Solution

 Main Idea

 2-4 – Main Idea - – Explains about main idea, supporting details, and provides practice passages.

 2-4 – Main Idea - – Find the main idea of these passages.

 2-4 – Main Idea - – Provides passages and online activities for finding the main idea of a passage.


 1 - 4 – Sequencing a Story - - Sample Stories to explain sequencing the events of a story. 

 2 - 5 – Sequencing a Story -  - Provides key words to look for in a passage or a story and sample passages for practice.

 2 - 4 – Sequencing a Story and Retelling/Summariing - Students interact with the flipchart to hear a story and sequence the events of the story. Additionally, students are able to practice identifying the main components of a story to work on summarizing skills.

 Story Elements

 K-3 – Story Elements - – Simple explanation about story elements. 

 K-3 – Story Elements - – Same as the flipchart above.

 K-2 – Story Elements - – Explains about what setting is and why it is important.

 K – Setting - – Simple Setting activity for Kindergarten.


 1 – 5 – Making Conclusions and Inferences – Making Inferences while reading is a hard skill to master for most, if not all, students.   Here are a number of promethean activities to help teach or reinforce this skill. – Making inferences through the use of pictures.  Great Strategy, especially for younger children.

Using Context Clues

 3 -5 – Context Clues - - Students are given the definitions for various context clue examples and then asked the put it in practice by using the ActivExpression devices. After students vote, a student can come up to the Promethean board to click on the correct answer. Answers are hyperlinked to "Correct" and "Incorrect" Slides.

3 -5 – Context Clues - - This flipchart can be used to help students use context clues to figure out the meaning of unfamiliar words.

 5th Grade – Context Clues - - This flipchart gives students practice using context to determine the meaning of an unfamiliar word.  Included are practice activities and assessment pages.

3 -5 – Context Clues - - An interactive flipchart teaching on the concept of how to use context clues to find the meaning of unknown words. All of the vocabulary used is taken from the novel, Charlotte's Web.

1-3 – Context Clues - - The flipchart focuses on context clues. The students read several passages. They have to figure out a word that is covered up by using context clues and picture clues. Erase the shaded part to reveal the word.
3 -5 – Context Clues - - e this lesson on context clues to teach the different types of context clues and practice finding the meaning of words.  Sample Testing passages.  


2-4 –Summarizing Text - - Students review and learn how to summarize a nonfiction piece of text by example and using the gradual release of instruction method.

3-5 –Summarizing Text - - Use to reduce information to essential ideas in order to understand and learn important information.

3-5 –Summarizing Text - - This flipchart is a lesson on summarizing. It takes kids from doing a quick synopsis into doing an all-out summary - including a rubric that you can easily modify.


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Social Studies Resources for K-5

I was looking over the K-5 standards for Social Studies in PA.     I have attached numerous online activities and promethean flip charts for everyone to utilize in your classrooms.    I kind of went  a little nuts on this blog but there are so many online activities and flipcharts to use for your Social Studies’ lessons, I couldn’t help myself! J

 A Fun Idea for Kids:

We had similar standards in North Carolina and each 9 weeks my grade level team would have a “rotation” for an entire day where each homeroom teacher would teach a 35-45 minute Social Studies Lesson.   The classes would rotate from teacher to teacher throughout the day.   One year we had 1-2 teachers do lessons on Civics and Government,  1-2 teachers do lessons on Economics, 1-2 teachers do lessons on History, and 1-2 teachers do lessons on Geography.    One year my team decided to do a whole day on one particular topic that we focused on that nine weeks, such as a 2nd 9 weeks “Civics and Government Rotation Day”.  You could even have the kids get into the theme of the Social Studies rotation day by having them dress up in costume.  For example, students could dress up as their favorite political figure or president. 

Civics and Government

 Online Activities-

 Suggested Grades - K -5 - - Ben’s Guide to US Government for Kids – Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful website for all grades about US symbols, election procedures, local, state, and federal government, etc.  Includes links to games and activities.

 Suggested Grades - K -5 - From the above Ben’s Guide to US government site, print off activities and worksheets about American symbols and their meanings.

 Suggested Grades - K-5 - - Numerous sites describing the duties and purposes on many different government jobs.

 Suggested Grades - K-5 - - Mostly geared toward 3-5 students, but there are really fun games about our government, American history, and civics. 

 Suggested Grades - K-5 - - Videos about our government, American history, and civics. 

 Suggested Grades - 3-5 - Bills Are Made – Click on one of the two compasses in the blue box to access a tutorial on how bills work their way through the governmental system and the class can even create its own bill!

 Suggested Grades - 3-5 - -  Poster describing the 3 branches of government. J

Promethean Activities - Remember many of you have the promethean software on your computers which will allow you to view these lessons and interact with them using your mouse.  You will just not be able to have students interact with the lesson by having them go to the white board.

 Suggested Grades - K -2 - 1 page flipchart showing the words for the pledge for morning routine.

 Suggested Grades – 3-5 - - Lesson on the three branches of government and the roles they play.

 Suggested Grades – 3-5 - - Lesson on the three branches of government and the roles they play.

 Suggested Grades – 3-5 - - Lesson on the three branches of government and the roles they play.

Suggested Grades – 4-5 - - This flipchart discusses the events following the American Revolution and how the new government developed. The Articles of Confederation and their replacement by the US Constitution are explained. Student assessment items are included.

Suggested Grades – 3-5 - Identify & research symbols used to depict Americans' shared values, principles and beliefs, and explain their meaning.

Suggested Grades – 4-5 - - This unit covers the content area featuring the challenges faced by the new nation including the writing of the Constitution, government powers, the Bill of Rights and the War of 1812.

Suggested Grades – 4-5 - - Lesson on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.   Change the New Mexico info to PA.

Suggested Grades – 4-5 - - Supposed to be taught over several lessons.  Lessons and videos on the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and the 3 Branches of Government.

Suggested Grades – 4-5 - - Lesson on different types of governments; authoritarian, oligarchy, democracy.


 Online Activities and Lessons

 Suggested Grades - K-2- Lessons for K-2.

 Suggested Grades – 3-5-  Awesome Lessons for 3-5.

 Suggested Grades - K-2 -  Awesome Online Activities for K-2.

 Suggested Grades – 3-5 - - Awesome Online Activities for 3-5. - Great website that includes many songs about Economics. For example, Goods and Services
Tune: Mary Had a Little Lamb  Concepts: Goods & Services - AWESOME!!-  Same website as about but this link allows you to look up books that can be used to connect literature to economical concepts.  Many provide activities and are available in a Highlands school library. J - How Things are Made Videos – Allows students to see that good and services that are used to create more goods used to provide additional services. - This website is a GOLDMINE!  K-5 lessons for teachers and K-5 activities for students that can be easily accessed by clicking on the appropriate grade level links.  You could plan your entire economics unit through this site!   Example, Title: Goods & Services Sort

Promethean Activities – Remember many of you have the promethean software on your computers which will allow you to view these lessons and interact with them using your mouse.  You will just not be able to have students interact with the lesson by having them go to the white board.

 Suggested Grades K-1 - - Lesson on Needs and Wants

 Suggested Grades K-3 - - Lesson on Needs and Wants

 Suggested Grades K-3 - - Lesson on Good and Services

 Suggested Grades – K-3 - - Lesson on Good and Services

 Suggested Grades – K-3 - - Lesson on spending, saving, and money choices.

 Suggested Grades 2-5 - - Lesson on three types of resources – Natural, Human, Capital resources

 Suggested Grades 2-4 - - Economics Lesson - Flipchart that teaches concepts of elementary economics. Includes web video links.   Good and Serices, Wants and Needs, Trading/Barting, Saving.

 Suggested Grade 5- - Compares and contrasts different types of economic systems

Suggested Grade 5 - - Compares and contrasts different types of economic systems


 Online Activities and Lessons

 Suggested Grades K-5 - - See how people in the 17th, 18th, 19th , and early 20th  centuries dressed.  Cool stuff.

 Suggested Grades K-5 - - A gold mine of online activities and worksheets about US history.

 Suggested Grades K-5 - - Numerous lesson plans about US history.  

 Suggested Grades K-5 - - Cleveland finally did something right!   Cool online activities presented by the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland about the history of money and it’s relevance in society.

 Suggested Grades 3-5 - - History of the US Postal Service – Lessons and Worksheets

 Suggested Grades 3-5 - This flash-based game is designed to showcase the active role a student can play in the history he or she is studying. But in order to be an active historian, the student must learn the skills to discern what information is valuable, usable, and couched within its context.

 Suggested Grades K-5 - - A gold mine of online activities and worksheets about US history.

Promethean Activities - Remember many of you have the promethean software on your computers which will allow you to view these lessons and interact with them using your mouse.  You will just not be able to have students interact with the lesson by having them go to the white board.

 Suggested Grades 3-5 - - History of Why the United States celebrates Thanksgiving.

 Suggested Grades 3-5 - - Black History Flipchart- Information on 20 influential African Americans.   Made by a teacher in the McKeesport SD.


 Online Activities and Lessons

 Suggested Grades K-1 - - Some cool activities, lessons, and games.  Hopefully this site works, I accessed it at home.

 Suggested Grades 2-5 - - Cool US Geography games. J

 Suggested Grades 3-5- - More Map games and activities.

 Suggested Grades 3-5 - - Cool games from National Geographic

 Promethean Activities - Remember many of you have the promethean software on your computers which will allow you to view these lessons and interact with them using your mouse.  You will just not be able to have students interact with the lesson by having them go to the white board.

Suggested Grades 1-5 - - Great lesson on the purpose of maps and skills needed to utilize them.

Suggested Grades 2-5 - Students are expected to: explain the purpose of a map; identify and use a compass rose; use a grid to locate objects on maps; and use a map key.

Suggested Grades 1-5  - - Fun Game you could play with students to help learn names of all 50 states.

Suggested Grades 1-5  - - Use this flipchart with students to introduce and practice basic map skills. Encourage students to find and explore the basic parts of a map including the compass rose, map key, and map title.
Suggested Grades 2-5  - - A simple introduction to identifying nine types of geographic features (ocean, bay, island, peninsula, lake, river, plain, mountain, volcano).
Suggested Grades 2-5  - - Great picture of lanforms, could add more to the flipchart, I could help you if you need it . J
Suggested Grades 2-5  - - Wonderful flipchart on landforms.  Explains each landform and show pictures.
Suggested Grades 2-5  - - Great review/assessment piece to use concerning landforms. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Physical Education Online Websites and Activities

Inspired by Grandview’s Bill Heasley, I decided to provide some websites that Luke, Bill, and all our teachers could use to promote physical fitness and healthy living.   These links are through  PE Central also provides great lessons for K-2 and 3-5.  Click on the highlighted links to access these resources.

PE Central's LOG IT Program

Log It invites students, teachers, schools, classes, and parents to record their physical activity steps, miles, or kilometers online! Features include a virtual hike across the United States; feedback about daily goals; compare your progress to others; and you can view your weekly and monthly progress. Teachers must register their school and class first and then they can offer it to their students.

The Kids Quiz is a daily online quiz which challenges kids under the age of 18 and tests their knowledge about nutrition, fitness, health, physical education, sports, and a host of other topics and trivia. Features include answering a question each day with the chance for both the students and the teacher at the school to win weekly prizes in a drawing. Come register now teachers so your kids can enjoy this fun and educational program.

Kid's Running Online (The K-12 Running Site)

The Kid's Running site for kids is an excellent page for kids (and parents/teachers) who are interested in running. Not only can kids see photos, learn about kids running events, answer questions, they can also read stories about running that other kids have contributed. The site is maintained by Carol Goodrow who is a first grade classroom teacher in Connecticut.

The NCAA has launched a new basketball site geared toward middle school students and teachers. is a site built for kids, their parents, and the dedicated people who facilitate, coordinate and sponsor programs for junior golf and the future of the game. Check out their cool Golf Trivia Game! Lots of fun.

Aimed at youth ages 9 - 13, BAM! was created to answer kids' questions on health issues and recommend ways to make their bodies and minds healthier, tronger, and safer. BAM! also provides middle school health and science teachers with interactive activities that are educational and fun. is a Web site that communicates healthy eating and active living information in meaningful and relevant ways to kids aged 9-12 and their families. is intended to encourage kids and their families to begin the process of behavior change toward healthy lifestyles. is the first component of ACTIVATE, a healthy eating and active living initiative. ACTIVATE is committed to promoting healthy family lifestyles to help prevent kids from becoming significantly overweight and to reduce their risk of suffering from obesity-related chronic diseases as adults.

Learn how different sports really work from the scientific point of view. Included are baseball, surfing, skateboarding, etc. Lots of really cool stuff located at the Exploratorium Site. Have fun!

This colorful Centers for Disease Control site encourages young girls to take steps to promotes skeletal health. The site helps young girls understand the important contribution weight bearing physical activity makes to their health. Facts about bones and the importance of calcium to their development are given. There are interactive activities, such as a skeleton that shows the names of bones when the mouse is rolled over the words. Quizzes, interactive games, and relevant web sites are given to help girls learn the facts and test their ability to use the information to make informed decisions.

This site helps parents, children, and professionals find answers to commonly asked health questions. Topics include the benefits of different types of vitamins, the food pyramid, healthy children's recipes, how to read food labels, and keeping fit. Children can also submit their own questions. Check out the "Childhood Infections" section under "Parents" for information about appendicitis, meningitis, mumps, and more. For a good laugh, be sure to read the entry for that most common of all childhood afflictions, cooties. A great site but be patient this site may take a little longer to download.

Based on the popular Dole 5 a Day CD Rom, this Web site, appropriate for elementary age children, uses fruit and vegetable characters to help children learn about the importance of eating at least 5 fruits and vegetables a day.

The National Center for Tobacco-Free Kids has a wonderful web site geared to protect children from tobacco addiction. There are abbreviated articles and current events that deal with smoking issues with the bibliographies included. In the Kid's Corner, there is the opportunity for the children to learn the ABC's of what tobacco use can do to the body. It offers nice graphics and descriptions of the possible complications that can be caused by cigarette smoking. There is also a section of the current CDC Research, Data, and Reports.